
Day 1 - Tuesday

08.30 – 09.00

Registration and Welcome coffee

09.00 – 09.30

Introduction of the summer school and presentation of participants

09.30 – 10.30

Session 1: Better Regulation in the European Union

Speaker: Erik Akse


  • Farewell to the EU’s institutional triangle
  • Strategic view of the European Union: EU Policy Cycle
  • The role of Impact Assessment in the EU

10.30 – 11.00

Session 2: Working with Better Regulation in the EU

Speaker: Erik Akse


  • Commission vs stakeholders: views and experiences
  • Experiences and reports presented by stakeholders engaging with the European Institutions

Group work:

  • Group discussion about past experience and key files for the future

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.30

Session 3: Understanding Commission policy planning

Speaker: Erik Akse


  • Strategic Planning Cycle of the European Commission
  • Strategic plans
  • Management plans

Group work:

  • Analysis of a Strategic Plan and a Management Plan of a Commission DG
  • Group discussion

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch and coffee break

14.00 – 16.00

Session 4: The content of Impact Assessments in the EU

Speaker: Erik Akse



  • EU Impact Assessments: topics and structure
  • Information used in Impact Assessments
  • Challenges with data availability and quality with means to overcome these


Group work:

Group discussion on experiences with EU Impact Assessment (these discussions will be used to illustrate the limits and risks to policy analysis)

Closing of day 1 and Q&A

Day 2 - Wednesday

09.00 – 11.00

Session 5: Process for developing Impact Assessments in the EU

Speaker: Erik Akse


  • Procedural steps for developing Impact Assessments
  • Consultation for Impact Assessments

Actors involved within the European Commission

11.00 – 11.30

Session 6: Working with Impact Assessments from the outside

Speaker: Erik Akse and Joost Mulder


  • You know that an IA gets started! How best to prepare?

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch and coffee break

14.00 – 16.00

Session 7: (Un-)predictable Commission: expectations for policy development 2024 – 2029 and the decision-making processes

Speaker: Erik Akse and Joost Mulder



  • Political outline for the European Union 2024-2029


Group work:

  • Know your files: how to prepare for the 2024 – 2029 Commission taking office

Closing of day 2 and Q&A

Day 3 - Thursday

09.00 – 11.00

Session 8: The legislative process in detail (part 1): the European Parliament and evidence-based policy

Speaker: Joost Mulder


  • Understanding the different steps in the internal decision-making inside the Parliament
  • When and where to intervene
  • The role of evidence-based policy and impact assessment

Group work:

  • Case study: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.30

Session 9: Politics vs evidence: two sides of the same coin?

Speaker: Joost Mulder and Erik Akse


  • The role of evidence in fast-moving political environments
  • Preparation: the key to success

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch and coffee break

14.00 – 16.00

Session 10: The European Parliamentary Research Service

Speakers: Erik Akse and Joost Mulder


  • EPRS: roles and tasks
  • Examples of EPRS outputs

Group work:

  • Case study: How to work with the EPRS mandate?

Closing of day 3 and Q&A

Day 4 - Friday

09.00 – 11.00

Session 11: The legislative process in detail (part 2): the Council of the EU and evidence-based policy

Speaker: Joost Mulder


  • Understanding the different steps in the internal decision-making inside the Council
  • When and where to intervene
  • The role of evidence-based policy and impact assessment

Group work:

  • Case study: Sustainable Finance Taxonomy (tbc)

11.00 – 11.30

Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.30

Session 12: The legislative process in detail (part 3): the trilogue negotiations and evidence-based policy

Speaker: Joost Mulder


  • Understanding the different steps in the inter-institutional trilogue negotiations
  • When and where to intervene
  • The role of evidence-based policy and impact assessment

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch and coffee break

14.00 – 16.00

Session 13: The big wrap-up

Speakers: Erik Akse and Joost Mulder


  • The EU Policy Cycle: who is in charge?
  • Bringing it all together: evidence-based decision-making in the EU: the ups and the down, the good and the ugly, the do’s and the don’t’s

Group work:

  • Group debate
  • Final round of questions