Mirësevini në Impact Assessment Institute (IAI). Me një përvojë prej 20+ vitesh në Better Regulation (Rregullore më e Mirë) dhe në procesin e vendimmarrjes në Bashkimin Evropian, ne ofrojmë ekspertizë të gjerë dhe të pakrahasueshme. Ju ftojmë të na kontaktoni për të diskutuar se si mund t'ju ndihmojmë.

Shërbimet tona
Shërbime Konsulence & Menaxhim Projektesh
Shërbime Avokimi
Shërbime Trajnimi & Ngritje, Zhvillim dhe Forcim Kapacitetesh
Asistencë për Prokurime
Menaxhim dhe Organizim Aktivitetesh
Eksplorimi i fushave tona të ekspertizës.
Regulatory Impact Assessment (Vlerësimi i Ndikimit Regullator)
Planifikimi i punës
Better Regulation (Rregullore më e Mirë)
Reduktimi i Barrës
Vendimmarrja e BE-së
Planifikim strategjik
dhe shumë të tjera
Ekzpertiza Jone.
Vjet Përvoje
Vlerësime të Ndikimit
Raste Studimore
Individë të Trajnuar
Vende të mbuluara
Si vlerësohemi.
The training session was a perfect balance between theoretical explanations on the impact assessment, both in terms of content and process, and concrete recommendations to implement in advocacy work. The in-depth knowledge and the directly relevant experience from the trainer makes the session extremely relevant for any EU affairs practitioner.
Aurélie Pattyn
Energy & Climate Change Manager, Eurométaux, Brussels, Belgium
I worked with Erik when I invited him to a training course for senior EU regulatory experts where he spoke about Impact Assessment and the European Commission's role, with a view to advocacy opportunities. His insights were highly appreciated and he got excellent feedback.
Andras Baneth
Director of European Office at Public Affairs Council, Brussels, Belgium
Erik is an effective professional with indepth knowledge of EU policy processes and he is able to convey his expertise in an accessible and pleasant manner. Erik’s organized and punctual approach makes it pleasure to cooperate with him.
Theo Jans
Associate Professor at European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, Netherlands
Erik was my supervisor (Team Leader) in the Policy Development Project in Kosovo (2016-2020). His knowledge of policy development, better regulation and impact assessment, specifically in developing countries, is remarkable. His management skills proved to be key for a very smooth cooperation with the Government during the four years and the success of the project in Kosovo.
Rinor Hoxha
Policy and Legal Consultant, Kosovo
Erik Akse worked on a project to build capacity in Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in Moldova in 2020, under mine supervision. He worked on the development of a RIA manual and short guidelines to help with implementation of the new RIA methodology approved by the government. Afterwards, he delivered a RIA training for trainers - lecturers from the Academy of Public Administration from Moldova and other potential trainers. Finally, he developed materials for a potential RIA training, to be delivered on a regular basis to civil servants by the trainers. Erik's work was highly appreciated by stakeholders and contributed significantly to the successful completion of the project. I highly recommend Erik for similar assignments. Feel free to contact me for additional information.
Roman Ladus
Regulatory Reform Expert
I had a cooperation with Erik Akse as Team Leader/Long-Term Expert in Policy Development from July 2016 to December 2020. He was an excellent colleague who performed all his responsibilities to a very high standard. He was consistently reliable, responsive and totally committed to doing a first-class job for the project and to support the Government of Kosovo. He managed our team of five long-term local consultants and a local project assistant, as well as a series of short-term experts and was a very good team leader, encouraging high performance and good collaboration. I enjoyed working with him and would have no hesitation in re-engaging him for future projects.
Vitaliy Baev
Good governance, public administration, quality public services, people’s access to public services, legal aid, gender mainstreaming, resilience, disinformation (Eastern Europe and CIS region, Balkans, the Commonwealth
I had the pleasure to work for 4.5 years with the Policy Development Project funded by SIDA, in the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo under direct supervision of the team leader Erik Akse. Erik was always very supportive, not only for me, but for all team members. He demonstrated great leadership skills, thanked me for my hard work, answered all my email quickly, helped me to overcome challenges at work by providing guidelines and tools to resolve the issues.
My gratitude to you always Erik. We are not working in the same project anymore, but I have taken with me an excellent role model for leading a group of professionals in an inspiring way, with great results.
I look forward to have the opportunity to hopefully work with Erik Akse in a new project in the future!
Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi
Strategic Communication Specialist, Kosovo
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